The AP9115 CDSR Autopilot Interface Module, is a +28V powered analog signal conditioning module.
The AP9115 module consists of two analogue inputs and four discrete inputs. The module also has two analogue outputs and a +28V discrete status output.
The AP9115 is designed for use on the Eurocopter Dauphin (VIP CDSR), to interface between the BAV amplifier, the CDSR and the CDV86D FDC CPLR, providing a deterministic "beep" control (up / down) for both VSI and IAS hold points, replacing the existing "coarse" potentiometer control.
The VSI and IAS analog input signals are filtered (3Hz cutoff) and re-scaled to match the input scaling of the CDSR display.
The AP9115 uses the following transfer function to convert the BAV Amplifier airspeed signal to the voltage range required for the CDSR Airspeed select input.
CDSR Input Voltage = ((BAV Output Volts x Gain) x -1.0) + Offset
The AP9115 uses the following transfer function to convert the vertical speed potentiometer input signal to the voltage range required for the CDSR.
CDSR Input Voltage = (Vertical Speed Input Signal / 2.0)
Where discrete inputs are used as an alternative to the vertical speed potentiometer input, the internal vertical speed state variable shall be scaled as follows.
CDSR Input Voltage = Vertical Speed Value (ft/min) / 2000.0 CDV85D Input Voltage = ((Vertical Speed Value (ft/min) / 1000.0) * -1.0)
The AP9115 electrical interface is fully specified in Nginuity Interface Control Document AP9115-ICD which is available from our downloads page (login required).
The AP9115 is supported by Nginuity's "Product Configurator" software application, available from our downloads page (login required).